A gang of thugs threaten a lady when a dude looking like a Michael Jackson impersonator complete with black fedora hat comes to her rescue. What does a hero do now? You start dancing, call up a random friend and gloat about the hot lady you've meet and then hit a club with her. When a bare bones aliens subplot emerges and the bad acting, action continues it quickly dawns on you 'Alien Private Eye' is bananas and not in a fun way.
Lemro (Nicholas Hill) saves Suzy (Judith Burke) twice within the same day, the two become involved and he reveals he's an alien. It turns out a gang is trying to track down a powerful disc that is the key to a highly addictive otherworldly drug and Suzy has the second piece. Now Lemro the private eye is thrust into a battle of good vs evil versus this gang. Coming face to face with it's leader Killgore (Cliff Aduddell) who'll let no one stand in his way of power & wealth.
I appreciate a good b-movie and sometimes a bad movie can be a barrel of laughs, but it's a fine line. Especially if friends or alcohol is not involved. 'Alien Private Eye' is the type of trip I don't enjoy, usually seek out. I cracked a smile once or twice at it's absurd elements - wait until the hero wields a laser gun mounted to his arm near the end - but I can't in good conscious recommend it.